simple process

How it works

Securing your financial future has never been easier. Discover how simple it is to apply online and receive funding within days.


Apply Online

Complete your application securely online using our encrypted form. We utilize end-to-end encryption to protect your data and maintain your privacy.


Review Your Options

Our dedicated specialists carefully evaluate your options to tailor your loan to fit your individual financial circumstances.


Get Funded

Enjoy the convenience of quick and seamless fund disbursement, with deposits directly into your bank account typically within 24 to 72 hours.


24-60 months

Interest Rates


loan amounts


We put you first

These are just a few reasons why American West Funds is different than the rest.

No Fees

American West Funds operates as a completely fee-free service, ensuring you receive the most competitive rates available.

Great customer service

Our exceptional team, based in the USA, is extensively trained to help you secure the rate you rightfully deserve.

Goal planning

Whether you're addressing existing debt or making a new purchase, we simplify the process to assist you in effortlessly achieving financial freedom.

100% transparent

No hidden fees or requirements. Simply apply online and secure the best available rate hassle-free.

from our borrower
Trent obtained an outstanding rate for me, and I received the funds in my account within just two days! He followed through on all his commitments, ensuring a smooth and effortless process every step of the way.
- Janet Krogan

Why delay when the solution is within reach?

Unlock Your Financial Solution: Prequalify Now with American West Funds

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