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By clicking ‘GET MY RATES, you authorize – with respect to the telephone number provided above and any other telephone number associated or related to you that may be provided to us in the future — Credit 1 Finance can contact you by phone, text, email, mail, or by artificial or pre-recorded voice, even if you have listed yourself on any Do-Not-Call List. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, and further agree that any person or entity contacting you pursuant to your consent here may use an automatic telephone dialing system, even if the telephone number you provided above (or any telephone number associated with you) is connected to a mobile phone and even if you might be charged for the call. Your consent to receive automated calls or text messages is not required for any purchase or availability of goods/services from Credit 1 Finance. If you do not consent, you may call us at 888-991-2568 to continue your inquiry.

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For California Residence Only

California Privacy Opt-Out and Data Request Form

At American West Funds, safeguarding your personal data is our utmost priority, and we are dedicated to protecting your privacy rights. Please click here to access the CCPA Privacy Policy. If you are a resident of California, you have specific rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 and the California Privacy Rights Act of 2022 (collectively known as the "CCPA"). These rights include:

Requesting Disclosure: You can ask for details about our collection and use of your personal data over the past 12 months.

Requesting Deletion: You can request that we erase any personal data we have collected from you, with certain exceptions.

To exercise your rights, please fill out the form below. The information requested is used solely to verify your request and will be managed in accordance with the CCPA. We cannot respond to your request or provide personal information without verifying your identity and confirming the relevance of the requested information. Please note that other laws may influence our ability to fulfill CCPA requests.